
Disclosures pursuant to section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, "TMG"):
Rossmarkt 21
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Registered office: Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Managing directors:

Gabriele Weyland-Tschentscher (Chief Executive Officer)
Jonas Abel (Chief Operating Officer)
Efnan Dangir (Quality Control Officer)


Tel: +49 69 2193 999-0
Fax: +49 69 2193 999-99

Registration information:

Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Frankfurt am Main
Commercial register B no. 76849
VAT ID: DE 247434595
D-U-N-S® number: 50-687-8888

Person responsible for the content pursuant to section 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag, "RStV"):

Gabriele Weyland-Tschentscher

General and financial loss liability insurance:

HISCOX SA, Arnulfstraße 31, 80636 Munich, Germany

Coverage territory: worldwide

Limited coverage territory: USA/Canada (see Betriebshaftpflicht by HISCOX Bedingungen 01/2019, section IV and Professions by HISCOX Bedingungen 02/2019, section VI).

Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online out-of-court dispute resolution at We are neither obligated nor are we prepared to participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before dispute resolution bodies.

Disclaimer of liability

Use of our website is subject to the following binding terms and conditions:

Information, data and other content on our website are copyright and trademark protected. The reproduction and distribution of this website or any part thereof (e.g., images or text) is prohibited.

Anyone is permitted to reference our website by means of a link. However, the website operator reserves the right revoke such permission at any time. It is furthermore prohibited to display this website in an iframe.

The website operator may be held liable for the content of this website in accordance with the statutory provisions. However, it is under no obligation to warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and content available on this website.

Although our website contains links to external third-party sites, we have no control over the content thereof. As such, the provider or operator of the linked website is responsible for their content. The linked pages were reviewed for potential violations of the law at the time the links were embedded and no unlawful content was identified at that time. Should we become aware of any violations, we will remove such links immediately.

Any contractual relationship formed between the website operator and the user shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The aforementioned choice of law shall not apply to mandatory consumer protection regulations in force in the country in which the customer has their habitual residence. If the user asserts claims for the infringement of intangible property rights, said choice of law shall also be invalid. The application of the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) are excluded.

Place of jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising in connection with the use of the website shall be the registered office of the website operator if the user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.