Professional audio-video translations.

State-of-the-art multimedia productions.

Audio and video are rapidly gaining in popularity as content formats – particularly for corporate communications – as audio-video formats are ideal for effective messaging. Videos offer a variety of applications for both internal and external communications, including:

  • E-learning videos and interactive e-learning modules
  • Presentations
  • Video newsletters
  • Speeches
  • Q&A sessions
  • Advertising and marketing videos
  • Recorded hearings (such as court or arbitration proceedings)

Let the experts translate your audio-video files.

Creating video content takes time, effort and money, but it’s well worth the cost to ensure a polished production that makes a lasting impression on your audience. Why settle for anything less when you adapt your productions for an international audience? A truly professional production requires more than just a linguistically nuanced translation of the content, but also a fair amount of sophistication and technical skill. Multimedia translations pose unique challenges because they must take into account the constraints imposed by the original dialogue and ensure that subtitles deliver the message right on time. 

You’ve already invested a lot of time and money in your original video – don’t leave your foreign-language productions to chance. Let us help you ensure that the quality of the final product speaks for itself in any language.

One source:

For all your audio-video translation needs.

Our expertise in translating audio-video content ranges from simple transcription of spoken text to voice recording for interactive modules. With experts at your fingertips, you’ll have all the support you’ll need – including end-to-end project management. Put your project in our hands, sit back and let us do what we do best.

Consider it done.

Our audio-video translation services at a glance:

This often involves simply creating a script of the spoken text and, if necessary, of the on-screen text as running text. Sometimes only subtitles in the source text are required – for example, to make the video content accessible to the hearing-impaired.

An srt file is a plain-text file containing key information about subtitles (including the start and end timecodes of your text) to ensure that the subtitles match the audio. The trick to translating srt files lies in rendering a translation that does not exceed the allotted text length while still remaining idiomatically correct. Depending on the target language, the timecodes may need to be adjusted after translation and segments may also need to be split or merged. We are well-versed in editing srt files to ensure that the timing and phrasing are correct and the subtitles align with the video for a polished production.

When we only deliver the translated srt file, this is known as "closed captions", which you can then integrate into your video player software yourself as you see fit. The advantage: Subtitles can be turned on or off as needed. If you want the subtitles visible at all times, we deliver your video with subtitles as "open captions" (usually in mp4 format).

"On-screen text" refers to static text in the video – for example, a slide in a presentation. Motion graphics, on the other hand, are elements of animation or digital footage which create the illusion of motion in the video that may also contain text. Such texts are often created during the production of videos with programs like Adobe After Effects or Apple's Final Cut Pro. Once we have all project files in their original format, we can extract the text to be translated and re-import it after translation.

"Voice over" is the process of overlaying a new voice recording in the target language over the original soundtrack. The target language is then clearly heard in the foreground, but the source language can still be heard faintly in the background. Dubbing, on the other hand, completely replaces the original soundtrack with a new voice recording. The voice actor has to "lip-sync" with the narrator, i.e., follow the timing, phrasing and lip movement of the original dialogue as closely as possible and reproduce the emotions of the original narrator in the target language. In this process, we first transcribe all the texts to be dubbed and create a script from it, which is then provided to the voice actor and the recording studio to produce the new soundtrack.

Interactive modules are often used for employee training purposes – for example, to give users auditory feedback on their interaction with the module. To translate these text components, a voice recording is required for each individual audio track. We generally deliver these to you as individual wav files.

Let us translate your audio-video files with state-of-the-art methods.


All we need is the final video in mp4 format. In most cases, even a link to the video would suffice. However, it is important that you provide us with the final version of the video. If we transcribe and translate a preliminary version, the timecodes for subtitling would not be set correctly and then the subtitles would not align with the spoken text in the final version.

If your audio-video project requires voice-over or dubbing services, you may of course request that voice samples of different voice actors be provided in advance. In this case it is helpful if you can be as specific as possible with your preferences – such as gender, age or accent – so that we can make the right selection. Based on your preferences, we would provide you with voice samples from which you can select your favourite voice actor.

Voice over involves overlaying a new voice recording in the target language over the original soundtrack in the source language. The original soundtrack is then lowered so that the voice in the target language can be heard clearly over the source language, which is only heard faintly in the background. The voice actor has to "lip-sync" with the narrator, i.e., follow the timing, phrasing and lip movement of the original dialogue as closely as possible and reproduce the emotions of the original narrator in the target language. In both cases, the original soundtrack can also be replaced with the new soundtrack so that the source language is no longer audible and only the target language can be heard.